
Plato was a Douchbag.

3:16 pm
And here is why:
He whipped up this idea of the Ideal being utterly unattainable.
He said the Ideal versions of Everything was chained up in a cave somewhere and all we see are their shadows.
The shadows on the wall.
Et cetera.
This was a total dick move.
Because of this boyfondler's musings, THE ENTIRE THINKING POPULACE believed that nothing would ever be perfect in life.
Merely a goddamn shadow.
An impression.
A disappointment.
What a Greek douchbag.
Also, you ever feel as if you like the idea of a person more than you like that actual person?
As in, you like talking about them and thinking about them but when it comes down to actually spending time with them the experience lacks a certain...something?
That the mental picture tends to become the Ideal and you're really just hanging out with the shadow? 
Sometimes I feel like that.
On both sides, depending on the situation.
Fucking Plato.
As for my weekend?
I spent twenty four hours straight playing Fallout 3.
Twenty four.
During that time, I ate four Tim Tams, drank about 6 glasses of water and ate a bowl of Basic 4 with whole milk.
Twenty four hours.
It was...whew.
It was deliciously reminiscent of college.
Specifically the times we all (Mike, Dylan, Alex and Ryan) stayed up and played GTA III and, later, GTA: Vice City and also the time we watched the first season of 24 in twenty eight hours.
Then there was that time we got drunk off Peach Schnapps and played Tekken 2 until five in the morning.
Just the shadow of it.
Fucking boytoucher.

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