
what's that smell?/totally fucked

4:02 pm
In Stephen King's 1991 novel, The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands, a character enters a run down, creepy house in Dutch Hill.
At one point, the character, Jake, enters a room that smells horribly.
Here is how King describes the smell: It was as if someone had set a mattress on fire, let it smolder a while then put it out with sewer water.
I now know what that smells like because, on my way to work while passing the trash heap that changes daily in front of the projects, I saw that very mattress and, like it or not, I smelled it.
I enjoy living in LIC oodles more than Spanish Harlem.
And that is the truth.
Also, this week 'pointless' goes up.
I was a little nervous until last night's rehearsal.
It went so well that I got a Theatre Boner.
And those are the best kind.
I am a little pensive since the head of security at my job is coming.
Man, is he going to learn a lot more about me than he should.
Also, my sainted aunt Gerry is coming as well.
Holy beans, is this going to be an eye opening experience for some people.
At times I reflect that "it won't be that bad", but the ONE line that keeps echoing back to me is "so anyways, I says to the guy, I says..."
The next family reunion should be interesting.
At least it'll be a change from the usual list of questions I'm asked.
Hopefully 'pointless' will just blur by for those that shouldn't see it.
Like the photos of the dead people in 'The Ring' or something.
I'm totally fucked.

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