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10:33 pm
Just sitting here, minding my owns (my own business), trying to decide whether or not I'm going to call out of work tomorrow when my favorite know-nothing-know-it-all (the History Channel buff I ranted about that time in the Red Room) says this jewel that I must now share with you.

Context: Talking about the martial arts like he actually practices one and as if he is not a middle aged, overweight, balding Hispanic dingbat.

"The cheekbone is powerful.
The cheekbone protects the cheek."
THAT'S what it does.
Seriously, as fucking opposed to what?
The knee?
Yeah, I think I just may call out tomorrow.
Last week I had a four day work week and going from a four to a full five can sometimes give me anal fissures of the soul.
But, fear not, if I DO decide to extend me weekend, I will not blither it away on biscuits and fritters, I am working on yet another project I started in 2005.
It's about Christo.
That motherfucking cocksucker.
That filthy, fucking dog.
Anyway,that'll be happening soon.
And then maybe Malaise Away.
The weather's right for it.
All I need now is some mopey fucks.
Would YOU like to be one of my mopey fucks?
Let me know.
We'll mope something out.
Meanwhile, this Sunday, Phil and Ray and I are going to squeeze our creative juices into a single container and drink deep.
Life on this planet should cease soon after.
Consider it broughten.

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