
O Menina

10:?? PM
Is it fucking winter yet? God damn.
Either this weekend or next weekend, Leah is coming to town for brunch. Woo! I enjoy Leah.
This weekend, I am shooting the “Snack Tragedy” portion of the Doritos commercial.
You know, one of the greatest things about having Ray as a friend is that when he and I come up with a great idea, we actually follow through with it. It goes from idea to realization in the blink of an eye when compared to a lot of ideas I have collaborated with people on. Was that terrible grammar or what? Check me out.
Now, just to elaborate: that comment about idea realization was not a shot at Phil or Will, (with whom most of the best ideas in the world are created. They are hundreds and hundreds of miles and several hours away from me and when we are all together, we are so limited as far as time that we end up just having excellent fun rather than slaving over the blast furnaces that are our collective minds. I’m sure if the three of us were allowed a much longer period than one measly weekend together that we would carry out one or several of our ideas and sink a continent or two. Or cure AIDS. Or both. Perhaps we would find a way to gather all the people with AIDS onto a continent, and then sink it. Hmmm...)
No, this is less of a negative comment towards anyone as much as it is a positive comment on how wonderful it feels to have an idea and then see the idea brought to its full potential within a set time period.
I feel like people who sit around and say, “Oh! Dude! We should TOTALLY film that!! That would be AWESOME!!!” and do nothing about it are maybe a dot above the wastrels that are potheads.
Fucking idiot potheads.
Stealing my oxygen.
Anyway, it just feels good is all.
Like me with the short films.
I am still working on the second cycle but I just can’t seem to find all the scene partners I need.
I might also need a guest cameraperson again.
But within a week or so “Donation” should be released.
I honestly don’t think it’s as good as “Taken From Me”, but then again they come from two totally different places in my mind and both were written using different methods so who knows.
Certainly you don’t.
Had an excellent shower today.
On a totally unrelated note, I watched “Transamerica” a few days ago. Very good movie. It was a lot less heavy than I thought it would be. That’s good.
I finished the second most new Gaiman book (Anansi Boys). Not American Gods by any measure, but it was pretty good. I’m going to read some Pratchett before I read Fragile Things, the new Gaiman (a collection of short stories). His short stories are some of the best I have ever read. I mark a good short story by how much I want it to continue. Gaiman scores high.

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