

7:26 PM
I’m sitting here minding my own business, reading my book (Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett) when I hear three what can only be zoologists discussing the ground speed and endurance of a cheetah. Why (you may ask) am I so sure of the vocation of these three individuals? Well that’s simple: because they all sound so ABSOLUTELY SURE of themselves. They aren’t guessing the speed of these magnificent beasts, they are asserting (in the way only a professional in the field under discussion can assert) the speed of these magnificent beasts.
Can you just imagine how slack-jawed with surprise I was when I realized that these three professors of Cheetahtology were, in reality, three security guards here at the Hospital? I don’t know if you can, folks. I don’t know if you can.
The only thing more surprising about their dichotomous occupational history is that there are actually three sides to said occupational history.
Not only are these men security guards AND Cheetahtologists, but they are also political scientists. Twelve minutes around these intellectual giants will tell you that.
I feel dwarfed by the IQs in this room. I mean, I only went to college for four years (and for ACTING! How fucking pointless/useless is THAT?!) and I don’t even remember a quarter of what I learned during my time there, but these guys didn’t even GO to college and yet they have mastered three aspects of our modern society.
Fuck, man.
Holy fucking fuck.
I’m sorry to revert to plain old vulgarity, but that’s what they teach us faggy actor types at our faux educational institutes.
Not like the security/Cheetahtology/political science institutions. That are real. Totally real.

On a topic having nothing to do with smarm: I bought another slew of vinyl again today.
Bad Paul-with-super-combustible-money!! Bad!!
I do enjoy the aesthetic of the medium though.
I love having a 12” by 12” versions of the cover art to my favorite albums.
And I’ve discovered that Beck was made for vinyl. The gentle whisper underlying each track goes so well with his voice.
Anyway, I’m learning to shop smarter for what I need, so I’m burning less money.
At least my fear that I would never use the records/record player I bought has been allayed.
I use it, and I enjoy it.
And that is what life is all about.
So, please, whoever you are, enjoy life for just a moment.

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