
All the B-boys are naked…and the hot tub’s looking real dope.

9:40 PM
Went to Best Buy to get all 11 “Friday the 13th” movies but the collection (1-8) was $64 and the only other one they had was “Freddy Vs. Jason”.
It was all or nothing for me, but even I wouldn’t pay $64 for those pieces of shit.
I found them on Amazon for like $47 plus all the others for $6.97 each, I shit ye not.
I might reconsider since they are so bad.
I think what I really need is a financial advisor to slap me when I come to him with potential expenditures like this.
Disposable income indeed.

10:23 PM
I am currently pumping the “Sexxlaws” single. It has a remix and it is funky. In fact, it has put me in the mood to quote and then expand upon a joke that I made up based on the quote that I think is funny-poos.

First, the quote:
“Brief encounters in Mercedes-Benz
Wearing hepatitis contact lens
Bed and breakfast getaway weekends
With Sport Illustrated moms”

Now, it goes without saying that this is an excellent line, period.
However, Beck has a habit of sort of slurring his words, blurring letters into something they were never intended to be and a word might come out sounding different than how it is written.
For example, in the above quote, “brief encounters” comes out sounding like “beef encounters”. I know it is “brief encounters”, but every time I think of the context of the song and then insert “beef encounters”, I fucking lose it. I love to sing it as such.
I think you should try it too; it will brighten up your day.
“Beef encounters in Mercedes-Benz”
Also, the cover of the Sexxlaws single portrays Beck and some chick in their underwear sitting on a bed. You can see her boob.
It rocks.

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