
I can't decide whether you should live or die...

6:50 PM
Over my hour and a half break, I have consumed 6 Smirnoff Ice's. Let the fun begin...

7:02 PM
Everything is a bit sway-y. Coming down the stairs was fun. I brought a few CD’s with me. Any updates will be made as they appear necessary.

I have to do this more often.
I wouldn’t say drunk, I’d say…blurry.

Dialing numbers is 17% more difficult than usual.
The rolling office chair I use is 38% more entertaining than usual.

I have developed hiccups.
The age old question of how many drinks would it take to make my job challenging has yet to be answered, sadly, but the day old question of how many drinks would it take to make my job more fun has indeed been sufficiently answered: 6.

I have cured my hiccups. SHAMAN! HEALER OF THE PEOPLE! THAT IS I.
Okay. A crack in my façade. I just announced a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and couldn’t help but laugh a little. Whoops.

I just held a conversation and at no point did the other person suspect I was tipsy. By which I mean they didn’t say: “Hey…are you tipsy?”
Move confidently into their midst.
I am reminded of the first time I was ever really noticeably affected by alcohol. It was on Brut champagne at the cast party for “Charley’s Aunt” (a play I was in) in my Junior or Sophomore year. I knew I was affected by alcohol when it became fun to jump. I was just in the bathroom and, friends, it is fun to jump.

I am 20% more friendly on the phone than usual.

I should have brought more fun music. Right now Cake’s Pressure Chief is the hip-hopinest thing I have. DEAL WITH WHAT YOU HAVE.

Sober. Chris showed up and we had dinner. After she left I spent a quiet time reading Blender and refocusing on the world. Security now has cameras that allows home invasion. I fear.
I’m going to put on Sea Change and by the time it’s over I will be home.
This was fun and shall be done again.

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