
Today would definitely fall into the category of a good day. I woke up early to find that my Nine Inch Nails show had burned perfectly and, when I tested the DVD, I was amazed by how great the quality was. It was dead center from the balcony the whole time. The taper never jostled once and even threw in some pretty nice pans and close ups. The sound was excellent too. It could have been professional. After I test the DVD, I check my e-mail to find out that little nugget about the Bacardi and another piece of good news thanks to Mel. Then I check my usual web sites to find that TMBG has TOTALLY redone their old Dial-A-Song site (www.dialasong.com) with a Podcast themed shrine complete with archived downloads, three new songs and the news of TWO brand new albums coming in 2007, one for kids (I think it might be “Here Come the 1-2-3’s”) and one for adults. The site looks awesome too. I also grabbed the new Scissor Sisters track (I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’) from their upcoming album and it needs some time to grow on me but it’s far from shit. Then the Blood Gods of the Internet were pleased about something because they allowed me to download the two episodes of Nightmares & Dreamscapes I was hankering for in about 5 hours total. During that time, I filmed the last five films and am 90% done with everything except for actually recording the credits and burning the whole project to a disc. Granted, my burner could fuck me in the time between now and then, but all the problems I was having with it have seem to have gone away.
And, on top of all this love, just as I was writing that last sentence, my dinner arrived.
Yes, close the books people; it has been a good day.

P.S. I contracted AIDS from a Vietnamese transsexual who sodomized me.
P.P.S. Or did I?

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