
12:00 PM
Working 11a to 7p today. Today my voice comes out as the sound of two puppies being rubbed together. I feel nice and soft today. Like blankets. Puppy Blankets. Or Rabbit Blankets. I sound like a tiny Bjork on the phone. I am super helpful.
For now.
No one has made these puppies angry…yet.
These rabbits can and will bite though, if given a reason.
I beg of you all, don’t make these bunnies bite.
You will regret it.
Regretation xmaxie.

There is a newspaper here.
Maybe I will read it.
Most likely I will not.

How you fillin’?

Speaking dust accumulates.

Beer with raw eggs in it for breakfast.

Keys on a paddle.



Okay, I just decided my voice is NOT, after all, like puppies or bunnies or anything like that. I sound lecherous and creepy and I am making the people I talk to uncomfortable.
And that is just peaches with me.
A person thrown off is a person that can be transferred to the Dental Department without calling back to yell at you. They’ll just leave their message with Dental and weep themselves to lunchtime. At which point they will order a Chef’s Salad in which the ham will taste as bitter as ashes.
And it serves these pigs right. Eating pork on a Friday. Filthy pigs. FILTHY PIGS! LITTLE! FUCKING! PIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGSSAAAHHH!!!!
Hey pigs.

I’m remembering a little restaurant in Ocean City called Chi-Chi’s (not the terrible Mexican chain). There was an old golf game there called Golden Tee. It was fun. Maybe we can go to the Waterfront restaurant when we get to OC. It has excellent seafood.
I have a powerful lust for red salmon.

Wow. Debbie Cuntin is here.
And she's eating.
Imagine that.

I have to give myself credit. While it’s not the cleverest nickname out there, it fits perfectly. Her name is Buntin and she’s a cunt. Her parents must have had visions.
I wish I could get a picture of her for you guys. She looks like Aunt Jemima's overweight sister. She is so fat that she doesn’t life her feet from the ground, she can only shuffle.

Her body will kill her soon.
And then I will hate no more...

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