
Rejoice, my milquetoast babies!!!

7:20 PM
What the fuck is going on?! It’s like the goddamn beginning of Winter out here!
It’s too cold to be March.
On the good side though, last night I saw People Are Wrong with Mel, Christina Nongirlfriend and Dorothy and since we just happened to sit right next to Robin’s (one of the writers and the wife of John Flansburgh) parents, she came right over at the end of the show. I sat there awkwardly hoping that she wouldn’t think I had intentionally sat by her parents (something I did accidentally at an earlier performance of PAW) until she looked over and say, “Oh! Hi…Paul, right?” Then things got a little less creepy. And part of me thinks the whole “does she think I’m a stalker” thing is moot since she’s seen me in “Lysistrada: The Musical” and since we ran into each other at that Crispin (Hellion) Glover movie thing (that was a singularly weird experience made even weirder by the fact that John Flansburgh’s wife was there, sitting right behind me.).
Anyway, I found out that the reason they were doing PAW at Joe’s Pub was to get in shape for the recording of the official studio version in a week or two. I have been waiting for that since I first saw this back in the Summer of 2003. So that totally rocks.
Another thing that rocks is my doublefat check from the Capitol Lighting thing has come in and I’m picking that up n Wednesday or so.
PLUS the shoot on Saturday went fucking awesome and, according to Ray, we have some amazing footage.
On top of all this, Berger Realty sent the lease and I have sent the down payment for BEECHOUZATRONICON XMAX. We are locked in, friends. Start your anticipation.
Aside from the 10 Big Shots who will definitely in attendance, we might be visited by the four ghosts of I-Couldn’t-Commit-For-Some-Reason-Or-Another-mas: Lisa (of whom 74% is actually, legally owned by the Japanese), Jen (intimidated by cooperate thugs), Leah (under the influence of Derek) and Will (victim of Hyper X-Prize GAIDS). Our home will have four bedrooms, two with two twin beds, two with a queen each and a queen sized sofa bed. Sex is freely encouraged as is sleeping in the ocean. According to the lease, this house DOES NOT provide linens or towels or anything (apparently that is a house by house basis) so bring your own towels, bathing things, shampoos and soaps, blankets, sheets etc. Don’t freak out if you forget something because you can always nip down to the nearest (chain store where these things are readily available) and get a placebo. God damn is this exciting! I have a beach boner that will last until the first of July at least. I have “The Big Chill” arriving from Netflix in a few days. I am considering on formulating our trip around the plot and events of this movie. Who wants to commit suicide? Actually, never mind, I don’t want to lay any of the stress on you. I’ll handle it.

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