
I'm tired of the old shit, let the new shit begin...

4:05 PM
I'm having a bad day, but I just made myself laugh. I'm at work and I was reflecting on how bad of a day this is. A patient rings their bell and I respond "Someone is on their way to..." and then I pause. I almost said, "to destroy you" instead of "to assist you". And that's the kind of day this is.

8:11 PM
My day was greatly improved by cheese enchiladas.

9:19 PM
"Bacon is the food of joy."

- Sarah Vowell
from The Partly Cloudy Patriot

If this is indeed true (and I believe with every fiber of my being that it is…except for pigs) then I should be feasting on bacon. Bacon xmax. We have almost all the confirmations for the Ocean City trip (a much catchier, more excellent title to come) and then it will go from a wet dream to a wet reality. Wet with bacon.
The only thing to do now is watch as people cancel on me and fall away like flies in a cold snap.
Think I’ll go for a walk outside, the summer sun's callin' my name...

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