
4:36 PM
So sleepy! I suppose that’s what I get for waking up early to do laundry. Silly, clean-smelling Paul. Stupid, fat Hobbits.
A reoccurring beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep type alarm keeps going off down here. There is nothing I can do about it but try to focus my annoyance into a beam of light with which I can destroy it. Wish me luck.
At the moment, I hanker for pizza…
Do you hanker for something? I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts you do. Lots of dollars. Like forty. Tomorrow looks to be a fun day just as much as Sunday looks to be a looooong, tiring day during which I shall be wearing make up.
Also, tomorrow is my “Is Paul Psychic?” Day.
Hm. I just belched and now I want chicken tenders.
I think that announcing my psychic glimmer might have canceled out whatever was going to happen. Well, since that is most likely the case, let me make specific predictions pertaining to Nine Inch Nails.
Now, all I remember is Nine Inch Nails had something to do with the number “2.18”. Tomorrow night, NIN is playing in Kansas City. This is the fifth or sixth date on the latest leg of the tour and so far they have brought back some older songs (“Mr. Self Destruct” and “Please”) but nothing crazy new/never played before has been seen. Perhaps tomorrow night that will happen. NIN is also going to release their new single “Every Day Is Exactly The Same” soon. Tomorrow might be the release date announcement, or perhaps the posting of the music video on their web site. Aside from those things, the DVD release of their ’97 live video and video collection could be announced, but I can’t imagine anything else. Frankly, I can’t imagine any of those things happening. I am shocked when NIN announces any sort of release date. Anyway, those things are the most feasible and the first things that pop to mind, but anything else (new album news or some crazy out-of-the-blue release date) is not expected at all. I suppose we’ll find out soon…together…

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