
Home; Where It Belongs

10:07 PM

Series of ups and downs today.
The cold weather is here.
With it comes a profound sense of loneliness and isolation, but also a sense of reinvigoration.
Sadly, the former outweighs the latter.
Tomorrow I travel to Long Island. I hope that goes well.
My 5.1 made me happy for about 7 hours.
Don’t misunderstand, when I use it, it’s awesome, but I saw this as more of an enhancer rather than a throwaway purchase (like several of the DVD’s I owe but have not watched). Maybe I should go ahead and get that new stereo too. Maybe that will help for another 7 hours.
I started swimming again. At least that’s something.
I have to edit the video too. I have enough half finished ideas to kill a man.
Anyway, this entry is more about opopanax. I am re-reading the Stephen King/Peter Straub novel “Black House”. In it there’s this word, opopanax that is given all this importance in the book. At one point, they mention that a character looked up the definition but “its literal meaning is unimportant.” So I look it up and it’s a plant that makes sap, something really mundane, but they continue to use it throughout the book as some magical, mystical word and King even goes as far as to make like it is a bird in a later book, (by nonchalantly writing something “at the town meeting, no one could speak without the Opopanax feather”) just because he likes the sound of it. I think that is idiotic; to use a word as whatever you want simply because it sounds cool or looks cool on the page? Give your fucking readers some credit.
Okay, esoteric rant finished.
I took my AC out of my window. The cold weather has driven the Barrio Boys away (at night, at least) and made it possible for me to sleep without machines. I miss the fresh air.
Busy weekend, now that I look at it…LI on Saturday and brunch and a movie on Sunday. Then (maybe) Vermont next weekend, nothing the weekend after that, then Marlena and Will’s wedding, then to D.C. (maybe). Such a busy person I am. Revel in my business. Revel…or I shall destroy you utterly.
I have an audition on Monday that I might actually be good for. You know that movie trailer announcer you always hear? Well, I can do a rather good mimic of him and that’s what Court TV wants on Monday. My agent doesn’t manage anyone huge, but he does have one rather large claim to fame: he got the Food Network voice his job. Every time you hear an announcer on Food TV, that’s my agency. Rawk on, Food TV Man…maybe I shall become the voice of Court TV and get girls to throw gavels at me.
Let’s hear it once for gavels.

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