
What? What...? WHAT??

5:03 PM
Just wanted to take a moment to say how weak it was of Kaitlyn, Christina and Dorothy to vaporize after hanging out for about 18 minutes on Friday night. Special weakness award goes to Kaitlyn who picked a loud, black hole to hang out in. I might have had an interesting conversation with someone there…if I had been able to see or hear him or her.
What is the point of gathering people together in the same place if you can’t talk to them? Is it mango flavored smoke? Is that why?
I suppose I will never understand.
And yes, I know that Kaitlyn had to move, Dorothy had to go to Maine and Christina looked like a resident of Polk County, Florida, but hopefully you all know that my new schedule makes it harder to socialize with people and when I do get the rare opportunity to do so a) I would love to hang out for more than a half hour and b) if I do only have a half hour, I’d love for it not to be in a bat cave pumping Middle Eastern hip hop fusion. How could my BFF so callously ignore my feelings? Cold, man…cold.
Anyway, onto a new topic.
Bite The Music is ready to commence. The first schedule has been posted so start planning albums now. Phil and I will provide the first in what will hopefully be a long series of excellent compilations. Christina shares with Phil and I the fear that no one will actually follow through (aside from us three and Will, of course). You had better prove us wrong. Head over to the community to check when your CD is due. Josh, Dorothy, Kaitlyn, and Christina A.: This means you.

8:25 PM
Received a call from Gia earlier. She told me her roommate, Meg, saw my “Charlie & The Chocolate Factory: the Videogame” commercial on TV. Woot woot. Look for it on and around kid’s programming.

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