

3:46 PM
In just a squirt over a month, Phil will be dust in a dusty country, being eaten by bugs and plants and spider birds and all sorts of terrible things. This is unavoidable. Let us turn from this image of horrible death to one of life. Happy, warm life. Hot apple sauce life Chris and I will still be living in our apartment in a month and hopefully with a new friend who some of you have met ever so briefly. Her name is Mel. She is from L.A. originally then Boston. She is a freelance electrician and she is very good at her job. She also has the habit of always making too much food and never being able to eat it all. She is like a version of Leah who likes ladies more than gentlemen. And that, was me being tactful. We (Jen, Mel, Phil and I) hung out on Saturday night and watched a movie and had fun. At one point in the evening, Mel said that, although she’s only known me a handful of hours, she feels like she’s known me for much longer. That was by far one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me and now I really, really want to live with her, but, at this point, I would rather live with (fill in the blank with someone I wouldn’t want to live with unless I had to). I’m seriously considering calling in a bomb threat to Australia to keep Phil here. I’m still looking for the right person to call. That could be tough. Maybe I’ll call in a spider bomb or a shark bomb. Maybe I’ll threaten to bomb the Tim Tam factory. Speaking of Australia, Jade did you get the fucking CD yet? Those Mailboxes Etc. fuckwits said Will’s would arrive in two business days on Friday and he got it 13 days later. With that time frame, you should get yours a few days after your death.
Back to my point: We are looking for someone to live with. We have two options more feasible than Mel and, honestly, anyone will do as long as they don’t suck, but Mel and I are off to a great start and I’d love to live with an awesome permutation of Leah.

4:50 PM
Listened to “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” all the way through for the first time today. Very enjoyable. I feel the same way I did after listening to the White album all the way through; disappointed by other bands I thought were startlingly original. Way to go, Beatles. I still have yet to sit down with “Rubber Soul” and “Abbey Road” yet, but I’ll download them soon. I can’t wait to have more music ruined for me.
Also, all I’ve had to eat today is three huge Starbucks Rice Krispy Treat Squares. Thank you, Spider Food.

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